I am a lover of fine art.. I became interested in art after visiting several visiting the Louvre
Museum in France on my Honeymoon in the fall of 2010.

From that day forward I have had an obsession with art.  Anytime I traveled the first thing I wanted to do was visit the local art galleries or museums.  I quickly developed a passion for all types of art but primarily with Impressionism and work by the Old Masters.

After immersing myself in the art work I quickly started to develop an interest in creating work of my own.  Unfortunately I did not have a background in art (other than having a lifelong interest in drawing).  Thankfully with the rise of the Internet and video streaming websites such as YouTube I quickly learned the techniques used to create my own paintings.

I started out painting Wildlife and Landscape paintings in an Impressionist and Realistic style.  After working this way for for a year or two I started to feel the need to create other types of more expressionistic work.

One day I had just finished a landscape painting and had a lot of paint left on my palette.  Instead of throwing away the paint and letting it go to waste I decided to try to use the extra paint to make an abstract painting.

The painting was only 9″ x 12″ but completing it was a great experience. During the painting I felt no pressure to depict an accurate picture of any scene other than letting my mind be free and letting my mind completely unload itself onto the small board I was painting on.

Up until that painting I never appreciated using palette knives on paintings. But from that point forward I slowly starting developing an obsession for abstract paintings.

I loved the freedom they gave.. I loved  how I could express directly how I was feeling at that moment without having to closely depict a certain scene in a certain way.  Most importantly I felt I could freely let myself complete the painting without having to complete something that would be liked by any person viewing it.

From that moment I realized I was an abstract artist.

Every artist I have scene wants their art to be accepted and liked. I think that is something all humans want… To be accepted and liked…  Unfortunately for artists like myself who start their art journey at a later stage in life we often go un-noticed by the largely influential people who are molding the current art market.

If you do not have a distinguished art education or following by well known galleries the chances are you have very little opportunity to express yourself and get noticed by people in the art world that can help further your exposure.  The good thing is the world is changing. With the internet you now have the opportunity to create your own identity without having to worry about a gallery promoting you.

I have done this myself and I think more artists will eventually realize that self promotion is an effective way to showcase your work.

I still have a lot to learn and each day that I paint I learn new things. I look forward to creating new original abstract paintings each day and I hope you have the opportunity to see my work in person either at a local gallery, a collectors house, or at an exhibition or museum.


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